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Thamesreach Rapier Revel hosted by Hart's Holt

On 19 May 2018 our cousins of Thamesrach visited us for an afternoon of swordsmanship, socialising, and an evening pot luck BYO supper. There was plenty of opportunity for sparring, melee, authorisations and general fun!

The Sea Cadets Hall in St Albans was chosen as venue for this event, but the beautiful weather meant that we were able to take the fencing outside. Even those who did not fight enjoyed the spectacle,

Potluck dinner in the evening fed the hungry fighters.


An enjoyable day for all comers!


First event in Hart's Holt a rousing success

On 13 January 2018, the hamlet of Hart's Holt held its first event in the Fleetville community centre. Friends old and new joined us at the Winter Banquet for an afternoon of music, dancing, cooking and feasting.

30 people had come to St Albans for the Winter Banquet and were shown the best the SCA can offer.


It was only the first of many events of the hamlet of Hart's Holt.

A hall at Fleetville was transformed by banners and wall hangings and by gentles in period clothing to transport everyone into medieval times.


While enticing smells started to come from the kitchen, musicians singing, playing flutes, bagpipes, guitars and drums entertained the crowd and led them in an assortment of medieval dances. An array of literature was provided to show the many activities and hobbies that people all over the SCA take part in. The relaxed atmosphere made everyone feel welcome and enjoy themselves.

The feast was presented buffet-style, with dishes from our favourite periods. There were green beans in cumin and honeyed mushrooms from the Roman era, Frumenty and Pheasant Maumeny from medieval times, Tudor salad, Lamb meatballs and baked beef, as well as the very popular rissoles, and a delicious Tudor apple pie. It is fair to say that nobody went hungry – as it should be!


At feast, toasts were said, giving our newcomers some background and putting Hart's Holt on the map of the Known World.

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